August 2020 Newsletter

Summer is flying by so welcome to August already. I trust that in these trying times everyone is staying safe and healthy and living life to its fullest. I am truly blessed to have each and every one of you in my journey of life.

Class Fees Due: Rent-n-Runts Classes 8/3/2020, Zanshin and Fitness Classes8/4/2020 and Karate Classes 8/6/2020. As Always, I appreciate everyone paying on time. It truly helps keeps things flowing on task as needed. If you are late, please add the $5.00/student late fee. You can pay by cash, check, or using the Friends and Family part on PayPal. Thank you. With the current restrictions, please remember that spaces are limited. If you decide to take a temporary leave and wish to maintain your spot your class fees will need to be paid to hold your space in the class. Thank you for understanding.

Promotion Ceremonies are currently set for August 17th for those that promoted in the Rent’s and Runts class. In an attempt to comply with all of the restrictions that our governor is attempting to put in place, all other promotions will be held on Sunday, August 23rd. We will begin at 12 noon. In order to allow everyone that wishes to see their family member promote, I will be scheduling students in pairs at 15 minute increments. This will allow you as parents and families to all be there to celebrate your students achievement. I will try to accommodate everyone’s schedule as best as I can. Please be on time so that this will run smoothly and efficiently. If you are not having anyone come to witness your success in obtaining your new rank, please let me know and we will do your promotion during class. If you have any questions please contact me ASAP. Thank you.

Please feel to share that our Academy offers more than just karate classes. If anyone is interested, we also offer Jujutsu, Stone Tiger Cardio Kickboxing Classes, and our Rents-n-Runts program. From what I hear, the fitness class run by Bria Doner is just killing it! Keep up the hard work and congratulations to all of you. Way to go. If you have interest in any of these programs just ask myself or Ms. Kim.

We ask everyone to please maintain social distancing when outside waiting on your student. For those coming into the Dojo, please make sure you are using the hand Sanitizer, wash your hands after using the restroom and of course keep good bodily hygiene. If you do not feel well, please stay home. Good Common sense goes a long way.

Everyone keep training hard and we will get through this thing called life in a grand manor. Until Next Time…

Rammel Renshi