The History and traditions of Zanshin Ryu Jujutsu are held at the core of two traditional Japanese martial arts, Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu and Wado Ryu Karate.

    Shindo Yoshin ryu meaning “New Willow School” is a traditional school of Japanese martial arts, teaching primarily the art of Jujutsu.  Its tradition was founded late in the Edo period by a Kuroda clan member named Katsunosuke Matsuoka (1836-1898). Over the years he became convinced that the contemporary jujutsu systems of the late Edo period had lost much of their military usefulness, evolving into systems driven more by individual challenge matches than effective military engagement. For this reason in 1864 he decided to combine his expertise in Kenjutsu and jujutsu by formulating a new system of his own creation, called Shindo Yoshin Ryu. Katsunosuke intended this new system embrace a curriculum reflecting that of a sogo bujutsu, or integrated martial system, in order that it be militarily applicable.

Wado Ryu Karate Jujutsu and Hironori Otsuka

    The founder of Wado Ryu, Hironori Otsuka, began practicing Koryu jujutsu under Chojiro Ebashi in 1898. He studied Shindo Yoshin Ryu under Tatsusaburo Nakayama from 1905-1921. In 1922 he began training under Gichin Funakoshi and became one of the first students promoted to black belt by Funakoshi.

    A key principle in Wado Ryu is tha of tai sabaki. The Japanese term can be translated as “body management” and refers to body manipulation so as to move the defender as well as the attacker out of harm’s way. The way to achieve this is to move along instead of moving against, or harmony rather than physical strength.

Zanshin Ryu Jujutsu and Steve Cooper

     The founder of Zanshin Ryu Jujutsu, Steve Cooper, began his martial arts training in 1973 studying with both Master Otsuka and another prominent Wado Ryu stylist, Tatsuo Suzuki (who he had the good fortune to travel and train with in Japan in 1995). During this time he embraced the old core values of traditional Wado Ryu which led him to explore different Jujutsu sytems. This included Judo, Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu, Small Circle Jujutsu, Hapkido, and combat tactics from the ROC army along with modern police tactics. ( Master Cooper spent 15 years in Law enforcement). He used elements of these systems along with his base art of Wado Ryu to form Zanshin Ryu Jujutsu in 1988 as a self defense and combat system. It was always intended to evolve alone with fighting tactics and concepts and not to be static system. Zanshin Ryu has continued to evolve into aspects of health, as well. Sensei Cooper is trained in Chiropractic medicine which led him to explore the benefits of acupuncture.